Wood-Aluminium Windows & Balcony Doors
Singularity allied to strength and durability.

Mestre Raposa's Wood-Alu or Wood-Aluminium Windows & Balcony Doors
Thermal insulation and weather resistance
Mestre Raposa’s wood-aluminium windows and balcony doors will allow you to truly revolutionize your home and your projects, since with them you can benefit from the charm, warmth and singularity of wood on the inside of the house, and from the resistance, durability and easy maintenance of the aluminium on its exterior. The thermal insulation properties of wood are combined with the weather resistance features of the aluminium, thus resulting in an extremely high durable product that will help reduce your home’s energy bills in both heating and cooling.
Wood-aluminium windows and balcony doors custom-made to your project
Fully customisable, our wood-aluminium windows and balcony doors cover all the design solutions your home may require, from the traditional to the contemporary and the conventional to the non-usual shapes, in different sizes and styles. They are available in all RAL colours and it’s even possible to have a ‘natural wood’ finish on the external aluminium, which guarantees you sufficient freedom of choice to meet all the expectations and requirements of your project.
The advantage of Wood-Aluminium combination
The outer aluminium cladding provides huge weather resistance, as well as flexibility of design and colours, while the laminated wood with internal composite veins provides structural stability and enhances insulation, at the same it gives your home a warm and cosy ambiance. With the wood-aluminium combination the windows and balcony doors’s structure is strengthened, making it even more resistant to deformation and weather elements – sun, sea, rain, wind and temperatures – thus extending its life considerably. Mestre Raposa’s wood-aluminium windows and balcony doors can be fitted and used in all types of buildings or projects, whether they are residential, commercial or industrial, and their bespoke manufacturing allows them to adapt to any architectural constraints in both renovations and new constructions.
A long lasting choice
For the most demanding clients that will only settle for the very best, the solution is simple and the investment well justified, as our high-end wood-aluminium windows and balcony doors will last a lifetime!